Everything on the CCLT website updates dynamically and continually with the database EXCEPT the weekly and cumulative filing charts. We have deliberately delayed the updating of those filing charts, because we do not want to give the false impression that there were a large number of new cases filed in mid to late October. During those weeks there were in fact a large number of new docket numbers assigned to existing cases, mostly because of the three new MDLs. A case with a new docket numbers gets automatically added to our database as if it were a new case. It’s taking us some time to manually work through those duplicate cases because we’re also working on some exciting new analyses that we’ll announce next week. Those duplicate cases do appear on the CCLT case list page. They’re the cases against Arch, Society and United Specialty. Also, slightly more than half of the newly removed cases already exist in our database as state cases, and it takes a while for us to de-duplicate those as well.