About a week ago, we learned that the summary judgment order granted in favor of Ja-Del Inc. in Ja-Del Inc v. Zurich American Insurance, 2016-CV11209 (Jackson Cty Circuit Ct, Missouri) (Feb. 4, 2021) had been vacated. That was a new one for us. There is nothing “off the rack” about the CCLT database or the CCLT website, so we had to scramble to figure out how to reflect that development. Simply deleting the earlier Order wasn’t an option, because that Order and the court’s decision to vacate are part of the history of the litigation. But we didn’t want the Order to continue to appear on the list of on-the-merits Judicial Orders on the website, nor did we want it to count for the box score. Thanks to Alex Shor, we came up with a solution. The Order remains in the database, but it no longer appears on the CCLT website.
Please keep us informed of these and other developments, particularly in state court cases. And please be patient when those developments don’t fit neatly into our database structure. We’re building this plane while we’re flying it!